Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wood Lily

These were taken along the Skegemog Pathway between Kalkaska and Traverse City. The challenge was waiting for the wind to stop moving the flowers. I decided to move in closer to the wood lily and to me it looks like an artistic rendering of a sunrise.

The yellow lady slippers were appealing because of how many there were. I used a diffuser to block some of the light.

Lake and Sky

I have been somewhat lax in posting new images. Not that I have not been shooting a lot of images. If anyone actually visits this blog I am always happy to get feedback. Well, here is one that I caught several weeks ago. This was taken over Lake Michigan from the Sleeping Bear Dunes. This was part of a line of storms that rolled in off the lake. I got a little of the rain, but not the lightning or hail which came later. The little bit of the lake is hopefully enough to anchor the image and to give it context.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Let There Be Light

I would call this image a near miss. The light streaming from the clouds was spectacular. However, the hole in the clouds was really bright and the rest of the scene was very dark. I did do some work in Photoshop to try to brighten the rest of the image and to darken the hole in the clouds. Comments are always welcome.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pink Lady Slipper

Here is another of the spring flowers. Pink lady slipper. I actually took my shirt off to use as a screen for the bright sun that was lighting up the background. Tough shot all the way around.

There will be other flowers soon - maybe the orange dune lily!